
Colonial Migration Routes
Long before the Oregon Trail, colonists followed paths first traveled by animals, Indians, and adventurers, to settle new frontiers. One important incentive was the lure of new land. Knowing the migration routes through and out of Virginia, and some of the reason they were traveled may help fill gaps in your ancestors’ story and give you a better understanding of their lives.

The Settlement of Virginia
How and why Virginia was settled, who the early settlers were, and how geography played an important role in the colony.

Land Records: A Genealogical Treasure Chest

The types of records available, where to find them, and how to use them to further your research goals.

According to William Dollarhide in "Retracing the Trails of Your Ancestors Using Deed Records", 90% of adult males in this country before 1850 were landowners. Not many early records include such a large segment of the population, which makes them an invaluable resource for genealogists. In many places, land records provide the longest time period of record keeping and apply to more people than most available records. And yet, land records are often underutilized. Although you won’t necessarily find all the information you want in one record, they can provide information about family relationships, vital events, and family migration patterns.

Placing Out: The Story of America's Orphan Train Children
Between 1850 & 1930 an estimated 250, 000 + children in the United States were taken from institutions, off the streets, or from their families, and sent “west” to be placed out. Learn about the origins of placing out and some tips to research an orphan train child.

Indentured Servants:
Those of us with colonial Virginia ancestors most likely have indentured servants in our families. We'll discuss the causes, how the system worked, the life of the servants, and research sources.

Revolutionary War Research:
How to get started, what records are available, and what can be found online.

Military Pensions and Bounty Land:

Picasa for Genealogists:

Evernote for Genealogists:

There's An App For That
Free apps and software available for all your devices  to enhance your genealogy research.

Kentucky Land Records

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